Assignment 2 Part A Question 3

3. What do you think of the three different headline ideas generated from ChatGPT? 

# a. For each of the three (3) headlines, use your class knowledge only to analyze the results. You are to provide a detailed overview of your thoughts based on what you have learned in this program to date and how it applies to the overall headlines produced by ChatGPT. This MUST correspond to the materials we spoke about in class and MUST include the referenced class content & PowerPoints. Your overview must be backed up and reference the specific items discussed in class, including the specific PowerPoint /Slide number. You are to insert the “source” you have based your overview on. (9 Marks)

1st headline analysis 

  • “SCC Advertising Program: Secure Your Future—Apply Now!”

When it comes to this headline it is not my favourite  I feel like it was not clear enough it was not specific based on what we discussed in class a headline should be straightforward and it should have a clear message the headline says secure your future and by future it can be anything like maybe more money or a job it was just too vague it did not like show or explain what makes the SCC advertising  the best way to secure your future the headline also lack sensory appeal the headline was not very descriptive  so this all these factor contributed to it not really standing out and plus “it uses generic words that most my competitors already use in class we talked about thinking out side the box and trying to ge a different direction than the normal direction my competitor would do or have done”  but besides that, I do think that it has potential to be better the headline it has “a very clear call to action” in it evokes a sense of urgency in the PowerPoint that was posted names  “72 ways to write a headline that will reach your readers (slide 49)  on this slide it talks about using words that inspire urgency and I think that word in this headline was  SECURE YOUR FUTURE these three words create an atmosphere where reader feel they need to act quickly before their is know space left for them ot to join or they might be too late, times running out.” “I also feel like this headline is an emotional appeal in class we discussed how important this is because having an emotional appeal shows that you know who your target market is and what they need and value so having an emotional appeal will connect with the reader’s desire to change by having the word SECURE in the headline this word aligns well with education opportunity ” The headlines were concise which makes it very easy for the reader to read.

2nd headline analysis 

  • “11 Ways SCC Advertising Launches Your Canadian Career!”

This headline is many good-quality out of all three, and this one is my favourite what makes this a very good headline based on the class content and what we discussed in class “It is a number list we talked about people are more drawn to the list because it “promises a strong and clear information structure”. This headline also “evokes emotion the words  YOUR CANADIAN CAREER which will appeal to the reader’s who desire to find jobs right after graduating from college this is perfect because it aligns with the with the advertising course and all it can offer and it also the readers needs”. Even though the headline does not have a direct call to action it is “action-oriented by saying “Launch your Canadian career” It suggests the readers take quick action for a noticeable transformation which can appeal to the reader can lead to potential new students in the SCC advertising program” and favourite part about this headline the fact that it highlights “Canadian career”. In class, you advised us to play around with adding Canadian-made or in-Canada but for this specific headline, I wanted Chat GBT to use it differently by adding Canadian, it targets a specific audienc,e it shows that the headline is for people in Canada who probably just graduated from high school or even newcomer. It also gives a sense of credibility by saying that the SCC advertising understands the Canadian job market. 

3rd headline analysis 

  • “Give Me 3 years, and I’ll Build Your Future!”

For this headline as mention above  used a prompt/template  that was already given to us in a powerpoint  from what we discuss in class I do think that this is a very good headline  definitely  could use some improvement this headline created a sense of “urgency and curiosity the line that says Give me 3 years  is like a hook to get readers interested in it makes reader wonder how and whats the secret is” the headline also promise a quick results in class how we discuss how this is very important to reader they are more attracted to headline that target them specifically with a problem that they have and the fact that they headline offers a solution is very good consumer love instant gratification and  the fact that the SCC can solve a problem with in  3 years is very appeling to them again this headline as the word BUILD which can be very generic but is also evokes a sense  of emotional connection.l the headline is also very engaging it feels personal like a  promise for a friend rather than a normal generic ad and thats what consumer are looking for this make the program seem more trust worthy  how this headline can be improve base on what we discuss in class is it is not very “SEO friendly people may not be looking for how can i have a successful career within 3 years they are probably using other long form keywords and me as a advertiser and a new website owners should know what these key words are so i can target my audience more directly.






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